Free Craft Project

Knit Headbands

These headbands are made using two different knitting styles. The blue one is made using a garter stitch, the white one using a rib stitch.

knit headbands


  • 4-oz solid-color yarn
  • size 8 knitting needles
  • 3 to 5 sew-on flowers



Garter Stitch Headband - blue

Measure off approximately 10 inches of yarn and cast on 10 stitches.

Row 1 - Knit entire row.

Row 2 - Turn. Knit entire row. Repeat this row until piece measures 16 inches (average adult size - adjust length as necessary).

Bind off and sew the short edges together.

Sew flowers evenly spaced on the center front of the headband.

Rib Stitch Headband - white

Measure off about 1-1/2 yards of yarn and cast on 80 stitches (average adult size - adjust length as necessary).

Row 1 - *K1, P1. Repeat from * across entire row.

Row 2 - Turn, K1, P1 across entire row. Repeat this row until piece measures 2 inches wide.

Bind off and sew short edges together.

Sew flowers evenly spaced on the center front of the headband.
