Free Craft Project

Quilled Christmas Bell

Quilling Instructions

quilled christmas bell


  • Quilling tool
  • Quilling board
  • straight pins
  • glue


Using 8" strips make the following scrolls.

  • 1 tight yellow scroll
  • 1 loose yellow scroll
  • 2 loose yellow cresants (offset curved marquise)
  • 2 moderately tight yellow teardrop scrolls
  • 1 very loose orange teardrop scroll

Refer to the bell picture to arrange the scrolls.

The orange eye will be the middle of the bell. Pin it to the quilling board (pinched end pointing up). Now wrap the moons around either side, and then glue and pin.

Glue and pin the tight scroll at the very top of the bell.

Glue and pin the loose scroll at the middle bottom of the orange scroll.

Finally, glue and pin the eyes on either side of the bottom yellow scroll.
